April 19, 2021

A movie review ” Boy in the Hood Respond paper

The film will be “Boyz In The Hood” Located in the video section. The Video will only be shown in class. Write 2 1/2 pages (no longer than a 3 pages) on the video. The paper must be in New Times Roman,12 Font, ASA format (citation and reference page. YOU MUST CITE […]
April 19, 2021

Market Research – Final Paper

Write a 3-5 page paper outlining what forms of market research you would use to answer these questions for ABC, Inc. Consider all aspects involved in their request when making your determination.  Understanding that some forms of market research you may not be able to complete in a time crunch, do […]
April 19, 2021

Accident Tolerance Fuel (ATF) research proposal for Pressurized Water reactor

Comments on the paper are: – In Section 2.1, the three objectives are too broad (will be better with more specific).  – Some verbs do not seem to be proper: Determine characteristics? Examine oxidation rates? – Unclear connection between the objectives and work scope: Irradiation?
April 19, 2021

Woman’s Health Disparities Final project

make a digital poster or infographic creating awareness on PCOS in adult women age 18-35 and supported two page paper describing the evidence used to create the awareness.
April 19, 2021

Movie reflection- Urban Studies

summarize what you have watched  Video Link: https://vimeo.com/11206466 Welcome To Lagos | Episode 3 | Full Documentary | Reel Truth Science
April 19, 2021

US history

Discuss the phenomena of American consumerism of the 1920s. What inventions and technologies made mass consumption and production possible? What sectors of the population were specifically targeted and what were some of the products marketed to them? Who were some of the personalities involved in mass production? What about advertising? […]
April 19, 2021

Working Capital

For this assignment, begin by reading the article below. Article: Strategies for managing working capital https://aquinahealth.com/2016/03/16/managing-capital/ Then, imagine you are responsible for managing working capital for a hospital. You currently have the following requests awaiting funding: The newest technology MRI machine that most other hospitals already have and provide more diagnostic […]
April 19, 2021

Company supply chain impacted by the COVID-19

Select one industry or a company that has been impacted by the COVID-19 situation either negatively or positively and write an analysis of why they were impacted that way. For example: Toilet paper industry Meat industry Milk and cheese industry Medical protective wear industry Amazon Walmart Clorox   The goal is that […]
April 19, 2021

Gender stereotypes

In an issues paper, you are focusing on persuading rather than informing your reader. In this paper, you will be asked to present one side of an issue or controversy or to form an opinion and support it using critical thinking and reliable source / evidence. While this can be […]