April 17, 2021


You will be asked to write a short essay (maximum word limit: 750 words) about one key idea / concept / technique learned from the course (course material attached) that gave you the most insight into strategic management. You need to be able to describe the chosen idea / concept(Disruptive […]
April 17, 2021

Nationalism & International Relations

Essay title: ‘Nationalism is a necessary but insufficient component of all modern politics.’ Discuss Sources / quotes not really necessary for this essay. However real world examples would be a plus.
April 17, 2021

Adolescent Development and Learning

The purpose of this project is for you to demonstrate your understanding of development at a variety of ages, and effective ways to interact with and guide children’s learning based on their current development. For this assignment slides 19 – 22 must be completed. Here are some extra resources Textbook: Physical […]
April 17, 2021

African-american literature

Write a two page essay that discusses how the 2019 film “Queen & Slim” offers a representation of race in American society.
April 17, 2021

Critical Thinking: Promotion Mix Campaign

You have been hired to present a new promotional mix for your local shopping mall. The mall is losing business to Amazon and other online retailers. Create your Promotion Mix campaign to gain back customers to the shopping mall.
April 17, 2021

Step 5 – ​Using Options to hedge

​Using Options to hedge –  Choose ONE of the following underlying exposures Your company is: 1- Long Eur 10 million (receivable) to be received in December. OR 2- Long GOLD 1,000 Troy ounces to be received in  December OR 3- Long 200 million Mexican Peso vs USD to be received in December . OR OR […]
April 17, 2021

Team Collaboration in Health Care

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate different aspects of team development and collaboration within a health care environment, and to assess how teamwork directly affects patient care and outcomes.   Select a specific type of health care facility to evaluate for this assignment. Consider hospitals, clinics, blood banks, […]
April 17, 2021

Donatos Case Study

Donatos Case  Study Assignment you will read a different case study and analyze the case scenario/research through a series of questions. The overall structure of each case is similar in that each case begins with an abstract followed by a description of the scenario/research and concludes with a discussion about […]
April 17, 2021

Letter to a Legislator about a Current Health Problem/Quality

It is vital to understand how to communicate your viewpoint about a current issue. In this assignment, you will develop a letter to your legislator about a current health problem. Once you have completed this assignment, save the letter to use as a template for future health issues which need […]