
April 17, 2021

Philosophy Comparative

Write a comparative essay of 2000 words on one of the following topics. Your assignment should be double spaced. Make certain that your documentation is complete and that you take every effort to acknowledge intellectual indebtedness. It is worth 30 per cent of your final grade for this course. Topic Choices Form […]
April 17, 2021

Service Encounter Journal Entry

The purpose of this assignment is to make you more aware of the critical aspects of some of these service encounters. For this course, you are expected to complete FIVE (5 journal entry forms that describe recent service encounters that you have experienced.  The journal will be used to produce […]
April 17, 2021

Importance of developing Critical Thinking skills for effective leadership

APA Paper Critical Thinking Key Assignment Paper For your Key assignment, you will write an APA essay on the “Importance of developing Critical Thinking skills for effective leadership.” The essay will help you define your leadership approach to becoming a critical thinker. Be sure to explain what Critical Thinking is […]
April 17, 2021

Financial Markets: Organizations and Technology

The assignment is based on the Social Return On Investment (SROI) report for Brigade You are part of an advisory team in an investment bank that helps to develop a Social Impact Bond (SIB).
April 17, 2021

Written proposal on how Python/ SQL can help overcome problems with Excel

Written proposal 2000 words Your assignment is to develop a proposal for a SQL/Python based solution to improve a data related task or process at your work.  Good candidates for redesign may include tasks that ·        Involve heavy, awkward use of Excel, especially those that o   Require multiple linked spreadsheets […]
April 17, 2021

Measures of Disease Frequency and Association

Why should you use caution when using crude rates to compare disease frequencies between populations? Give an example of how a systematic factor (e.g., gender, age) could affect crude rates in different populations.
April 17, 2021

Children’s Sexual Citizenship

In the reading, “Children’s Sexual Citizenship” (Module 10), Kerry H. Robinson writes that children’s sexual citizenship is “fundamental to young people’s health and wellbeing as sexual subjects” (p. 491). What does Robinson say children’s sexual citizenship is about, and what three examples does Robinson outline to highlight the relevance of […]
April 17, 2021

The Bisexual Menace Revisited

In the reading, “The Bisexual Menace Revisited” (Module 7), Kristin G. Esterberg reviews a number of cross-cultural examples of the ways in which “bisexual” behavior does not necessarily imply a bisexual identity. What are three examples, and how do these examples highlight that sexual categories are social constructions? Include and […]
April 17, 2021

judgement/ decision making

write research paper on article topic of judgment and decision making (included photo of further details/ instructions)