Written proposal 2000 words Your assignment is to develop a proposal for a SQL/Python based solution to improve a data related task or process at your work. Good candidates for redesign may include tasks that · Involve heavy, awkward use of Excel, especially those that o Require multiple linked spreadsheets o Rely heavily on the VLOOKUP function o Cause Excel to run very slowly or crash · Are performed manually, regularly, and repetitively (the same way each time) · Are error prone Complete the following: 1. Thoroughly describe the current process/task. Here are some questions to guide your description: · What steps are involved in the process and who performs them? A diagram may be useful here. · What is the purpose of the process? How does it support the organisation’s strategy? · What type of data is required? · How large is the data set(s) required? · What technologies are currently used? · How many person-hours are currently required? Include time for the process itself, plus time spent error-checking and reworking errors. What is the opportunity cost? · What are the problems with the current process? 2. Describe your solution. What tasks would you automate in Python? What types of SQL queries would you implement? Do not write Python or SQL code, only a text description of the functionality, for example, “query the sales database to select all sales for the month, and total by sales rep”. 3. Estimate the potential net cost savings from your solution. What is the cost of the current process? What would be the up front development costs and ongoing operating cost of your solution? Include an estimate of opportunity cost (or at least discuss qualitatively) – i.e. how resources allocated to the current process would be redeployed or eliminated.