April 16, 2021

International Perspective Paper

The International Perspective Paper requires students to research current articles on a country of their choice (other than the United States) in order to investigate major issues, policy and program trends regarding one of the topics listed below:   Topic Choices: 1. Birth Control 2. Abortion 3. Adolescent Pregnancy 4. Sexually […]
April 16, 2021

culture object

write a 1,000 word analysis of a cultural object of your choice. It can either be from the class or one outside the class (if from outside of class, you need to run it by me first, either over email or in office hours), the main criteria is that it […]
April 16, 2021


According to the World Health Organization (n.d.), “governance in the health sector refers to a wide range of steering and rule-making related functions carried out by governments/decisions makers as they seek to achieve national health policy objectives that are conducive to universal health coverage.” There are a number of governance […]
April 16, 2021


Another challenge affecting health care delivery is the growing shortage of health care personnel. Quality, a major concern of health care, is directly impacted by understaffing. For your Module 4 SLP, conduct research on the need for health care personnel in your state, city/town, or a location that you are […]
April 16, 2021

Brainstorming for Single Story Essay

Purpose:   Practice writing a narrative-style essay (an essay in which you tell a story) reflecting on your own experience of believing a single story or experiencing the single-story assumptions of others.    Task  Context  In her lecture “The Danger of a Single Story”, video or Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie points out that we all have been […]
April 16, 2021

Entrepreneur interview

write a interview with a owner of bar.   Write a PAPER instead of interview script  1. Intro the company   half page   2. The reason why build this company  half page  3. Before you start this business, have you ever do some research which like market research or competitor?      […]
April 16, 2021

Relationship between stratification/inequality and family problems

1) Explain the relationship between stratification/inequality and family problems. 2.  Identify three major social problems in modern families and possible ways to address them.
April 16, 2021

Weather Related Aviation Accident

Submit a 10-12 page Case Study on a weather-related aircraft accident. Use current APA format with a minimum of 5 sources cited (not including the NTSB report).
April 16, 2021

Note making

Interestingly, note making has become an integral part of our everyday lives in the global world at large and for that reason, it has proven to be beneficial in countless ways. Nonetheless, Note making is not all about writing down everything you hear or read from a source; that is […]