April 15, 2021

Corporate and Business Law (English) – scenario based report

Task requirements · Critically identify and discuss all the legal issues raised by the scenario, concluding with reasoned advice to Wellbeing Ltd regarding the legal rights and liabilities it may have. · The answer must make accurate and consistent reference to and application of relevant legislation and case law. Scenario John, […]
April 15, 2021

macroevolution and microevolution

1. Can macroevolution occur without microevolution? Explain in detail and give an example 2. Some fish are considered separate species even though they can produce hybrids when mated. Could these fish be considered separate species as defined by the biological species concept? Explain in detail and give an example 3. […]
April 15, 2021

Compare online education vs. in-person education

Use your working outline, to write a 3-page, double-spaced essay that compares and contrasts one of the three topics listed. Your essay should contain an engaging introduction, a clear thesis statement, body paragraphs that examine the similarities and differences between the two things, transition words and a conclusion that has […]
April 15, 2021

Self Reflection report Accounting

Your individual reflection report should cover ALL the following areas:  1. Have you studied accounting before you take this course? (I Did not study accounting before) 2. What difficulties did you encounter in learning this course?  3. What have you learned upon completion of this course?  4. Which topic(s) of […]
April 15, 2021

Treatment Resistant STIs

Your friend confides in you that her partner has just been diagnosed with gonorrhea. Her partner received a shot of antibiotics in the doctor’s office as well as a prescription for antibiotic pills. She is too embarrassed to go to the doctor to be tested. Since her partner has already […]
April 15, 2021

Product Naming system

Develop an easy-to-understand product naming system (incl. pictograms/color codes) for the various product groups and products inside the Mandik a.s. portfolio (including a potential after sales service line)
April 15, 2021

The Granular Origins or Real Business Cycle Comovements

read the VOX article “The Granular Origins or Real Business Cycle Comovements,” by Farid Toubal, Julien Martin, and Jörn Kleinert, which can be found here: http://voxeu.org/article/multinational-firms-and-business-cycles This article should feel somewhat familiar, at least in broad strokes, to points raised in the table and graphs at the very beginning of […]
April 15, 2021


The international marketing plan must be addressed to the CEO of your chosen company (24 GRAD CAFE, https://www.24grad.net/ ) and contain clear business objectives for the first year e.g. €50,000 in gross sales (€15,000 in net revenue), The plan must present alternative options and make firm, clear and costed decisions regarding: […]
April 15, 2021

Essay on Novels/Films

Choose an essay topic from the list below.   1. Discuss the function and significance of food in three works.   2. Discuss the nature and importance of survival in at least three works   3. The journey is a significant motif in many of the works displayed below. How […]