April 15, 2021

Reflection Paper yang

The purpose of this final reflective paper is to look back at what you have learned during the past weeks and to reflect on it while applying it to your current and future leadership. This is not a book review! It is your personal analysis, synthesis and reflection of WHAT […]
April 15, 2021

Children and Gender

Write a 2 FULL PAGE paper on the topic of children and gender. Topic to Discuss – How might biological, cultural, and personal factors influence a person’s gender identity? Make sure you have a: ·       Cover page ·       Introduction ·       Thesis sentence ·       Body – should have 3 sections: · Biological […]
April 15, 2021

Data privacy is a legal issue for the hospitality industry

Data privacy is a legal issue for the hospitality industry.  Using the attached article and two other references please write a  1000 word paper using the essay format.   https://www.hospitalitynet.org/news/4094427.html  (Links to an external site.) Essay Format 2019.docx
April 15, 2021

Principles of Verbal Messages

Description: For this assignment, you will create a slide presentation about the principles of effective verbal messages. This assignment will help solidify your understanding of effective verbal communication. Objectives: Explain the main principles of verbal messages. Analyze how language can distort thinking and explore methods for communicating more effectively Instructions: […]
April 15, 2021

The Impact of Poverty Among Young and Middle Adults and Possible Interventions

Write 1 page on the problem poverty has on young and middle aged adults. Write 1 page on what is poverty. Write 1 page on the history of poverty. Paper in Times-New Roman 12 pt. font, double spaced. At least 2 sources required throughout the paper, peer-reviewed, published within the […]
April 15, 2021

System Improvement Proposal First Draft

Final Paper’s First Draft Structure   Organization of Final Project’s (First Draft ) I.                Introduction (Abstract) ***No Abstract needed for now, for the first draft*** One paragraph. The Abstract is a summary of your paper. It introduces the problem your technology aims to solve, describes what your technical proposal is, […]
April 15, 2021

biology research to gain familiarity with recent trends and developments

1. Find, select, and examine current scholarly biology research to gain familiarity with recent trends and developments in the field within the last five years. 2. Briefly describe the research and key findings of the article/ study. 3. Precisely discuss the research implications in our lives. 4. In your opinion, […]
April 15, 2021

Scientific method and ethics

Explain the scientific method and the use of research ethics in psychology
April 15, 2021

US History paper about the Vietnam War

Your assignments this semester include reading a book chapter and a journal article.  The chapter is a historiographical essay, Simon Toner, “Interminable: The Historiography of the Vietnam War, 1945–1975,” in A Companion to U.S. Foreign Relations: Colonial Era to the Present, vol. 2,  1st ed., ed. Christopher R. W. Dietrich […]