April 14, 2021

The valuation of modern software investment in the USA.

Valuation methods, a theoretical framework for valuation in software markets based on which subsequent investigations are conducted. A brief summary of investment valuation, relevant classical and innovative financial concepts. Conventional tools used such as asset value approach, market value approach, discounted cash flow approach, or venture capital approach. This assessment […]
April 14, 2021

Organization Communication

For the purpose of this assignment you will use the information and situation from your midterm brief to discuss the new topics from the second half of our class. The objective of this assignment is to build upon the work that you did for the midterm for your fictitious company. So please take […]
April 14, 2021

AMAZON in Australia

first thing is PESTEL factors 1: all of the factors needs more further analysis and justification, you need to use more examples of the company and to most important thing is the references… You need to use more references ( you must put the references between the text ) like […]
April 14, 2021

business and marketing class project essentials workshop

business and marketing class project essentials workshop 6 blogs on cars individual pages • Blog articles must be professional, well written and with a clear narrative • Content relating to at least one area of specialism: ideally business, management or marketing related (but can be anything that you are interested […]
April 14, 2021

evidence in Op-ed writing

1.  Research Using evidence in Op-ed writing, you need not use a specific databases but must use a reputable data bases. 2. Please submit three pieces of data that you found, note the statistics or the data, the name of the database, the key word you used and the full […]
April 14, 2021

Professional Evidence

An organisation which promotes the cause of women in senior management in Australia is interested in this case from a gender equality perspective.  Prima facie, it would appear that the damage suffered by Ms Holgate far outweighs the gravity of what Maddocks appears to have considered to be an innocent […]
April 14, 2021

The Breker Brothers: live from Barcelona concert report

This is the link for concert https://youtube.com/watch?v=HC2hrHg9yXk&feature=share Concert Report Instructions Objective To take control of one’s education by watching live professional performances with a mind open to critical thinking, awareness, and a willingness to experience without judgment or hesitation. Consider the possibility that you may find a new favorite piece. […]
April 14, 2021


Netnography is an online ethnography. Using principles and advice from Kozinets (2002) and (2010, 2016), you should conduct a brand netnography.  Select a brand (defined broadly)– then, using netnography, analyze how the brand fits into consumers’ lives, how consumers ‘talk about’ or showcase the brand, or ways that consumers create […]
April 14, 2021

Treating Psychopaths

Topic – Treating Psychopaths – is it effective or not?  Are they treatable or are we treating the untreatable?  Explore current research on a forensic psychology topic of your choice, discuss the origins of this research, why it is important, who are the major researchers, what have they learned, and […]