September 10, 2020

Identify commonly used criminal defenses.

Subject Criminal Justice Topic Essay Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details Using the required resources for this module and through research on the subject, develop an essay that: Identify commonly used criminal defenses. Describe circumstances under which each would be applicable. Your essay: Must be a minimum of 700 words […]
September 10, 2020

Economic growth patterns analysis

Write a term paper about the patterns of economic growth across countries in the world for the past 50 years. You can focus your analysis on at least two countries. However, you cannot choose China, Hong Kong and Japan. BRIEF ANSWERS Economic growth patterns analysis Economic growth is the increase […]
September 10, 2020

Implementing and Evaluating Federalist

Why does Madison fear “a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department” of government? How can government, as Madison claims, be “the greatest of all reflections on human nature”? How does “the multiplicity of interests” in American society protect the rights of its citizens? Is Madison’s opinion […]
September 8, 2020

Hydrologic analysis of Block of Land Planned for Development(Assignment)

Surface Water Hydrology Project Brief (Session 2, 2020) Project background In this project, you are required to prepare hydrologic analysis of block of land planned for development (see attached map – based on your student number as explained above). The purpose is to satisfy regulatory requirements and get necessary approvals […]
September 8, 2020

MR, a 23-year-old Native American male comes in to see you because he has been having anxiety and wants something to help him.

CASE STUDY 1 MR, a 23-year-old Native American male comes in to see you because he has been having anxiety and wants something to help him. He has been smoking “pot” and says he drinks to help himself too. He tells you he is afraid that he will not get […]
September 8, 2020

Government annual operating budget report

Obtain a recent state or local government annual operating budget from the internet or elsewhere and submit a brief report on this research assignment. (Include the link to your document or a .pdf of the file with your uploaded assignment submission). The budget is a separate document and is generally […]
September 8, 2020

High profile criminal case of the Philando Castile trial

Research a high profile criminal case of the Philando Castile trial.  Watch the trial in its entirety.  You can find these and other trials by searching YouTube BUT also look up the case on other scholarly platforms. Explain the facts of the case, what the defendant was charged with, what […]
September 6, 2020

Discuss at least three alternatives for global organization structure

The goal in organizing for global marketing is to find a structure that enables the company to respond to significant differences in international market environments and to extend valuable corporate knowledge. Discuss at least three alternatives for global organization structure. For each one, explain the structure and some of its […]
September 6, 2020

Significant changes that have made public health what it is today

Analyze the roots of the public health nursing and its influence on practice today. What Significant changes or historical events have made public health what it is today?roots of the public health nursing and its influence on practice today