Essay Center

April 9, 2021

Rhetorical Analysis: “Multiplication is for White People”

Rhetorical Analysis: “Multiplication is for White People” Prompt (this is what you must answer in your essay): Write a rhetorical analysis (analysis of the argument) of an idea/concept/assertation from “Multiplication is for White People” that you find particularly interesting, incendiary, controversial.  There is no achievement gap at birth, but it is created via […]
April 9, 2021

Human resource Report

This assessment involves FOUR (4) parts, of which ALL should be addressed: Using an example of a strategic business issue find an organisation that you are familiar with. This can be the organisation you already selected in Assessment 1. Alternatively, you can use a suitable case study organisation that you […]
April 9, 2021

Marketing Strategy Canada Goose

Company: Canada Goose Holding inc What is their promotion strategy? Do they focus on personal selling or advertising to promote their products? Describe the promotional mix employed by your firm for their main product/services including advertising (include media strategy), personal selling, sales promotions and public relations. BUT don’t forget that […]
April 9, 2021

Spatial Analysis

Read:  precedent for writing about murder in a way defined by architecture: Read the Raymond Chandler story “I’ll Be Waiting” and keep your eye on how the plot is driven by the architecture of the hotel. My class project in-progress: My class project is attached with all current progress. Project […]
April 9, 2021

The Voice of the Singer-Songwriter

The Voice of the Singer-Songwriter Task: Take a country singer and explore how they expressed the meaning both of the songs and of themselves through the categories of music, biography, lyrics, visual imagery and speech. Select a country singer-songwriter. Try to find one that mostly writes their own material (Zac Brown […]
April 9, 2021

Evaluation Project

This assignment is intended to develop students’ hand-on experience in learning HRD program evaluation.  Among other things, the objectives include Obtaining service learning-based experience Gaining in-depth knowledge on real world evaluation and measurement project Applying models and methods covered in the course Practicing analytical and critical thinking Assignments Identify an […]
April 9, 2021

Gradualism and Punctuated Equilibrium

Reliable sources. Good thesis, claims, evidences, examples with one-two quotes, conclusion with more than 4-5 sentences. Explaining Gradualism vs Punctuated Equilibrium and their co-processes Anagenesis vs Cladogenesis. Do these processes work together or separately? Darwin’s ideas about these processes.
April 9, 2021

history of journalism

You will gain practice composing informative historical context for a significant 19th or 20th century piece of journalism from the lists provided. The project will involve both primary and secondary research efforts. You will also build historical knowledge about a small slice of journalism history, owning a portion of that […]
April 8, 2021

modernity on entertainment and media

The central assignment of Senior Seminar is an extended, independent research project. You will produce an original, high-quality research paper on a subject that fascinates and intrigues you, and you will share your research with your classmates in a presentation. You can select any topic related to modernity and/or life […]