Assignment Description: The reading response assignment is divided into two parts. The first part is a one paragraph interaction with the assigned reading, and the second part requires that you create two discussion-style questions about the text. Assignment Description: The Response Paragraph The complete (2 part) assignment should be around 1 (honest) page of double-spaced typed text. This basically breaks down to 1 full paragraph, with 2 questions at the bottom. Responses will serve as an informal forum where you can experiment with textual analysis and writing about the variety of readings included in the course. I recommend that the response take one or all of the following forms: a brief analysis of the required text; or an exploration of your opinion or position on the themes/ideas presented in the text. Do not summarize the reading. Assignment Description: The Discussion Questions Conclude your response by creating two discussion questions for the class that are designed to provoke both discussion and critical thinking. This isn’t always easy to do, so it’s a good idea to include a least one really conversational question along the lines of “How did you feel when…?” or “What surprised you in this reading selection?” or “What was going on in your mind when…?” or “How would you act in their places?” or “How would you change this reading selection if you could rewrite it?” or “Why (or why don’t you) do you think the characters are making the right choices?”