The essay will ask students to critically answer a question pertaining to the theoretical and empirical aspects of foreign policy studied during the course. Potential questions and additional guidance will be provided prior to reading week. Conduct independent research so as to complement the required and recommended readings. A good bibliography should have at least 15 sources. The word limit per written essay is 3,000 words. Students may go over or under by 10%. The word limit runs from the Introduction to the Conclusion of the assignment and will include quotes and footnotes that appear in the body of the assignment. It does not include the following: title page, abstract, diagrams, graphs, images, bibliography, and appendices. I will only mark an assignment up to the word limit. The part of the assignment that exceeds this limit will not be marked. I will provide feedback and explain that the penalty has been applied. Other rules governing the formatting of the essay: • Times 12 or its close equivalent (usually the default setting) • 1’’ margins all around • Double-spacing • Page numbers—if your first page is the cover page, then set this page number to 0. (In Word, select “Page Numbers” from the “Insert” menu and click on “Format.”) • Consistent usage of one standard citation style (Harvard, Chicago, MLA, etc.) • A standard cover page that includes the word count. Failure to format your essay properly will result in a small deduction of your mark.