April 12, 2021

Benchmark – Financial Statements Project

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze an annual SEC report in order to evaluate the financial strength, efficiency, and effectiveness of an organization. Visit the “EDGAR Company Filings” search page of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s EDGAR database website (SEC.gov), provided in the study materials. Search publicly […]
April 12, 2021

Human Resource managment

Read instructions carefully. MOVIE: https://archive.org/details/12AngryMen1957Watch as much of the movie ASSIGNMENT SHEET: Document used to fillout  (Links to an external site.)  as you need to (or watch it all, if you want to see what happens) to identify different kinds of conflict and different approaches to solving conflict Actions . Can start about […]
April 12, 2021

Empowering Women Surfers

In your introductory paragraph: (Should only be one paragraph long and no longer than half a page.) 1.Summarize some of the historical events that led more U.S. girls and women to participate in sports, including surfing. 2.Define “sexism” and “objectification.”  In your thesis answer the following question: Discuss two similar […]
April 12, 2021

Conduct a Company and Stock Analysis to Assess Market Value and Trends for IBM, Inc.

An annual report is a comprehensive statement describing a company’s activities throughout the preceding year. Annual reports are intended to provide shareholders and other interested stakeholders informed about the company’s activities and financial performance. All public corporations must provide shareholders with a financial report every year so that shareholders understand […]
April 12, 2021

Foreign or Social Policy

Select one domestic or foreign policy described in this week’s reading. Prepare 250- to 300-word response explain: What are the key features of this policy? How are Americans influenced by this policy? How do Americans influence the policy? Do you agree or disagree with the policy you have picked? Why or why […]
April 12, 2021

Logical Fallacies

read “ Avoiding logical Fallacies” in chapter 19 of The West Guide pp.314_320. write 10 of the logical fallacies in Steven Rhoads’ article, “ what Fathers do best” .explain why certain points he makes are fallacies. this can be in list format with brief paragraph of description to explain. no […]
April 12, 2021

Cancel Culture

What is free speech? Who is responsible for what content we should read, view or listen to? What is cancel culture? How is it used and why? What is the relationship between debate and cancelation?
April 12, 2021

The PPACA of 2010

PPACA of 2010 brought many changes to the types of provider organizations available. ACOs and PCMHs are two new organizations formed under PPACA. Using the readings this week, discuss the origin, structure, and purpose of the new organizations formed under PPACA. Using South University Online Library (for example, CINAHL) or […]
April 12, 2021

California and the Great Depression

California and the Great Depression Overview There are multiple facets of how the Great Depression impacted the people and policies of the state. The New Deal’s creation created a social safety net and safeguards against another economic collapse; however, the Great Recession (beginning in 2007) was the worst economic collapse […]