June 9, 2021

doctrine of lifting the veil

The courts and also statutory provisions have provided justifications for ignoring the fundamental principle of legal personality through the so-called doctrine of lifting the veil. Discuss
June 9, 2021

laws governing cooperatives and partnerships

Discuss the various laws governing cooperatives and partnerships.
June 9, 2021

the role of parliament in the budgetary process

a) Explain the role of parliament in the budgetary process. (5 marks) b) How does a budget deficit arise and what are its consequences? (5 marks) c) Faced with a budget deficit: i. State how to finance the deficit. (5 marks) ii. Give two effects of each alternative method of […]
June 9, 2021

advantages and disadvantages of direct as opposed to indirect taxation

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of direct as opposed to indirect taxation, explaining and illustrating the various terms used in your answer.
June 9, 2021

system of direct taxation

Argue the case for and against the principle of progression in a system of direct taxation.
June 9, 2021

designing tax policy

What factors should a country take into account in designing its tax policy. Is it possible to accommodate all the factors?
June 9, 2021

Arabella’s delusion

Arabella’s delusion rescues romance … by producing a space within which we credit her romancing as non strategic. To what extent do you agree with Scott Paul ordon’s argument that, in The Female uixote, harlotte ennox’s is defending the possibility of disinterested and generous behavior inherent in romance narratives? . […]
June 9, 2021


What is meant by devaluation? Under what circumstances does a country decide to devalue its currency and what are the expected consequences?
June 9, 2021

describe the possible causes of this indebtedness

Many developing countries are currently faced with an ever increasing external debt. Clearly describe the possible causes of this indebtedness and the measures that could be taken both the debtors and creditors in reducing the debt burden.