June 3, 2021

therapist overtly control sessions

To what degree does the therapist overtly control sessions? How active/directive is the therapist?
June 3, 2021

techniques or strategies are used to create a treatmentalliance

What techniques or strategies are used to create a treatment alliance? Describe and illustrate
June 3, 2021

therapeutic relationship

How does the therapeutic relationship influence the outcome of therapy?
June 3, 2021

Psychotherapy and Abnormal Behavior

To prepare for this unit’s discussions, please read the following in The Story of Psychology: Hunt, M. (2007). The story of psychology. New York, NY: Anchor Books. ISBN 9780307278074. Chapter 16, “The Cognitivists,” pages 590–650. Chapter 17,” The Psychotherapists,” pages 651–702. Psychotherapy and Abnormal Behavior In modern times, many psychologists conduct clinical […]
June 3, 2021


“Polybius was an ancient Greek writer who first proposed a method of substituting different two-digit numbers for each letter. The alphabet is written inside a 5-by-5 2d array which a has numbered rows and columns:      1  2  3  4  5  1  A  B  C  D  E  2  F  […]
June 3, 2021

function that removes all occurrences of a substring from a string

Write and test a function that removes all occurrences of a substring from a string. The function has 2 parameters – the string and substring. The function returns the edited string and the number of occurrences of the substring in the original string.
June 3, 2021

test a function that counts the number of occurrences of a substring in a string

Write a test a function that counts the number of occurrences of a substring in a string. The functions has 2 parameters – the string and substring. The function returns the number of occurrences of the substring. 
June 3, 2021

text file concordance creates

A text file concordance creates, for each distinct word in the text file, the word, the number of times the word appears in the text, and the line numbers on which the word appears. Write a program that reads a file name from a user, opens and reads the file, […]
June 3, 2021

class SwimmingPool

Write the definition of a class SwimmingPool, to implement the properties of a swimming pool. Your class should have instance variables to store  1)the length (in feet)   2)width (in feet),  3)the depth (in feet)  4) the volume of water currently in the pool (in cubic feet)  5)the rate at which water […]